Today, we’re treating ourselves to a funky dancefloor burner coming out from Doc Daneeka (soundcloud)’s Ten Thousand Yen. We’re reviewing the first of Doc Daneeka’s new series, entitled Walk.Man Vol 1. After the first listen of the two track release, we really don’t see why the word Walk is in there; the tracks got us running all over the place.
Ten Thousand Yen has featured some releases from bonafide producers from the likes of Earl Jeffers (aka Chesus), Rimbaudian and XXXY. This time, the label owner uses his privilege to release the first volume of his new serial.
Doc Daneeka, aka Mial Watkins, is no stranger to dropping dancefloor scorchers, with titles like “Got Me” from the 12” of the same title, and his remix of Addison Groove’s “I Go Boom”. Vol 1 is the first in a series of 12”s set to come out over the next few months, which ultimately are destined to be compiled on a mixtape (Yeah those are coming back too, take out your scissors and tape). The series will also be released digitally.
The first track of the release, “Save Me”, greets us with a thump heavy funky statement, relying on a groovy bassline and rhythmically well placed percussive bongos as its backbone, complemented by a out of this world vocal and sax sample. There’s not the slightest doubt this one is destined to make people break a sweat on dancefloors.
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]Then we realized there’s a second title to Volume 1. This one got us tying up our running shoes and putting on a headband. The track, titled “Please U”, does exactly what it says it’s going to do. Bassline, drum kicks, the vocal and electric guitar sample with a smooth break bridge break towards the end of the track to allow you to calm the frack down, everything in this track is designed for you to get off that wall and forget that you have yet to learn how to move your hips. If this track is a sign of things to come for the other volumes, we have high expectations for the next volumes and have no doubt Doc Daneeka will bring some more heat. [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]
The first entry of Walk.Man has got us thinking about going out this weekend, busting out our best Shaft one liners and pulling off some moves like Black Dynamite. Excellent start to the series. We’re seriously looking forward to the mixtape. Time to dust off that old boom box, it’s about to become useful again.
You can get Walk.Man Vol 1 on Ten Thousand Yen’s Bandcamp.