By now, dutchman Frits Wentink (soundcloud) should be a household name, if not globally, certainly in his homeland. With a discography as long as an orangutan’s arm, Frits, aka Felix Lenferink aka Steve Mensink aka Urkelle, has stamped his name on some of the most credible and respected labels in house music. I say house music in the most general of terms as his style is so unique, spanning so many styles of electronic music; even gliding on the edge of the musique concrète universe. This release on his own ‘un-pigeon-holeable’ label, Bobby Donny, comes in the form of a 10” vinyl featuring 2 dubplate tracks from his infamous 2016 Boiler Room set.
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Bolting Bits is proud to premiere the A side of this limited hand numbered slice of wax, simply titled ‘A Side’. Bendy synths, off kilter jazz pianos, loose bongo rhythms and vocal out-take samples from your dad’s record collection all perfectly blended together to create a light-hearted dance floor smash. Make no mistake, this track packs a punch with some signature Frits bassline pressure. Drop this at 3am when the crowd are a little tipsy and watch the room light up with a sea of smiling faces.
Yet again, Sir Wentink displays a knack of creating music with the unparalleled ability to make you want to ignore what you knew about dancing, creating a feeling of unbridled freedom to move in whatever the fuck way you want to. Highly recommended! BODOX001 will be out late February/early March. Be quick, only 500 copies will be available on vinyl!
Lee Dearn