Felix Leifur has seriously been putting in some hours in the studio. His new EP titled Hamburg 3011 will be released on the mighty Dirt Crew Recordings, available on wax on 26th October and digitally on the 29th. The EP in true Felix style is house music influenced by jazz and hip hop. We have the pleasure of presenting the premiere of the opening track, which gives a great introduction to the EP.
[soundcloud url=”https://soundcloud.com/boltingbits/premiere-felix-leifur-between-us” /]
The infectiously hazy first track of the Icelandic man’s newest EP is titled Between Us. The piece starts out with a spacey layering of tribal drums, which are looped to create an infectious rhythm. A hypnotic vocal floats into the mix to keep the tension spiralling, before a deep kick drum drops in and brings some order. A deep sustained almost disharmonic chord rings out to solidify a darker tone in the track, which is complimented by a groovy yet simple bass line at 1 minute 20 seconds.
The energy of the track swirls around in true Felix Leifur style, although this feels slightly different to his previous work, it feels more experimental, as if he is pushing the boundaries just a touch further. An open hat rings through the mix to get this track swinging and a distant jazz trumpet sings melodies in the distance, before hitching a ride from the outskirts to arrive at the forefront of the mix. The filter of a synth roars open to provide some grit, some dirt, and supplies some more emotion.
The eclectic feel of this EP is very powerful, and one to definitely check out. Pre-order it here.
Adam P.