First physical format offering from Los Angeleno hypno-house producer and DJ Lexi Andre aka Etari is a tie-dyed hybrid of eco-tech dreaming and aerated rave energies, eight churning chill-out tent anthems, as suited for rainforests as rooftops. Recorded during long, loose 1 AM sessions at her home studio, Rainbow Eucalyptus exudes a mood of wonder and freefall, swirling strands of liquid synth, broken beats, and hypercolor smoke into emotive electric motion fantasias.
A self-taught DJ since the age of 16, Andre is a key figure in the Brazil-based label network Yellow Island, which issued her 2019 debut EP, Healing Herself, as well as hosting her exploratory monthly radio show, State Of Mind. The sound of Etari has honed by degrees, inspired by rare trees, cool air, and spiraling rhythm, equal parts expansion and embrace.