Since the arrival of E-Prime with their debut single, August is an Angel, the duo, consisting of siblings Trevor & Jaclyn Blumas have been steadily making impressions with diggers and groovers with their infectious blend of 80s pop, old school house, new beat, 90s R n’ B, balearic and more. Thanks to some crucial support from global club DJs and nods from LA’s legendary KCRW and London’s NTS, E-Prime has cemented a solid grassroots following in their short existence thus far.
Longtime purveyors of the underground might be familiar with the Blumas siblings music from their old project Doomsquad. Gone is the politically charged, late-night rave spirt of their former project in favour of sunnier anthems about love and self-determination more suited for daytime cruises & sunset sets. However, their next single No Guestlist represents a sort of bridge between their former project and this new one, as it was originally written back in 2019 as a Doomsquad song before the band abruptly decided to call it quits with the arrival of the pandemic. Now, reworked and repurposed, the song places the activist rallying cries of constant marginalization and toxic gentrification at the hands of late-capitalism, overtop of a classic ballroom house groove supported by MC-909 samples and Neptunes inspired keys.
Essential remix support comes from Toronto’s Active Surplus (Pacific Rhythm), who rework the song into a twisted collision of acid and electro. Rounding out the Maxi single comes a complete revisioning of the original song from Planet Euphorique label boss, D. Tiffany. Her moonlight transformation places the song deep into rave territory with a 134bpm progressive techno head trip.