This Is Our Time warmly welcomes Tifra from Utrecht into the TIOT family and super pumped to have his five-track EP titled ‘Coral Fractals’ in its catalogue. “The EP gives a nice reflection imo of different sounds I like to produce” – wrote the artist for us, so let’s see what kind tracks we got from this wide palette.
We start off with the lively ‘Ahora’, synth rays emerging from multi-layered drum patterns chased by restless acid serpents, a track that effortlessly shakes you up and gets your blood pumping. Next up is the EP’s title track, ‘Coral Fractals’. A dark and ominous tech-stomper rolling with the weight of the ocean with small chirps that rise from the depths like bubbles.
We find ourselves entangled in mycelium with the goa trance ‘4th Dimension’ with its constantly coiling melodies and floating harmonies. Cueing up the last two tracks first we have ‘Copal’ where Tifra pulls influence from the early/mid-90s progressive house tracks sprinkling in some classic voice sample just to complete the warehouse rave feel. The EP closer is ‘Gloomy Glitch’ a sinister and menacing low-mid tempo ritual, leaving us with an eerie feeling at the end of this journey.