Ten Brains! Much can be achieved with One Brain, so it begs the question: how much goodness can be conceived with Ten?! There is a very clear and definitive answer, badly concealed in the aural fine print of the debut Ten Brains release, which finds a cosy home on Houses in Motion.
A couple of Sydney friends of Aussie label Houses in Motion have come together to form a new alias, Ten Brains. They are releasing their debut EP “Pipes” and we’ve got the premiere of the A2 today, Barry’s Shaker.
Crisp and emotionally pervasive, the record is punctuated by playful basslines, melodic quips and bouncing broken beats; as fitting in the rainforest as in a jungle of heaving bodies in a dark room.
Taking the reins for the flipside’s reinterpretations are trusty pilots RP and Andy Garvey, who both add a large helping of heat and euphoria to the mix.
Pre-order your copy from the label’s Bandcamp.