Initially appearing on our radar with the aptly named “The First Detour EP” on Detroit Swindle’s illustrious Heist Recordings, OUER (soundcloud) has become a staple in our feeds (and our shelves) with their simply named series of self-released EPs. And while they may have got their start sampling random records from local stores, they are decidedly a live duo, focused on creating music in a way that combines the best of the past and present while paying tribute to the halcyon days of house and techno.
[soundcloud url= “” /]
On C, we continue the alphabetical series’ three-track format set by A and B. The EP stays true to the Berlin-based duo’s attitude towards disregarding genre specific boundaries, resulting in a diverse release tied together mainly by its production style and overall tone (which is deeper and darker than previous outputs). This edition feels the most like OUER’s true ambitions, successfully realizing their (clearly broad) tastes in a unique and memorable way.
“Charon”, is a slow-building, atmospheric jam that steadily adds melodic and rhythmic elements as it kicks along before cutting into a stripped back, bloop and bleep-filled groove that works its way through the rest of the track. Synthetic chords and quirky melodies occupy the main focus of the track while the arrangement works in an almost cyclical way, its long runtime putting the listener in a trance that was likely shared by its careful creators.