Let’s Go Swimming is a party series and record label based out of London, UK. To date, they’ve hosted just a tad more than an event per month since their inception in April of last year. Their line-up of guests is already an impressive one ranging from the likes of DJ Sotofett to Jayda G. In the meantime, they’re also establishing a name for themselves as an imprint to watch with three releases in the bag and the fourth one just around the corner. A roster that already includes lush EPs from Mack Ness, Doppelate and William Earl is now expanding to a fourth member, OCTO CHAMP (soundcloud).
Nathan David Smith, operating between Glasgow and London is an all around creative individual. When he’s not making music as OCTO CHAMP he’s one half of Rigid Disco or producing and directing music videos as well as creating various works of art. Today we’ll be focusing on his solo musical identity, though. So far, he’s released an EP on Boutade Musique as well as a couple of free downloads and remixes. His sound is fairly hard to pin down but groovy, natural sounding percussion seems to be a staple.
[soundcloud url=”https://soundcloud.com/boltingbits/octo-champ-said-you-were”/]
OCTO CHAMP’s forthcoming EP for Let’s Go Swimming is entitled “Not Quite Here Yet” and features four tracks, two fairly hazy morning after jams and two warm cuts made for the dancefloor. Our premiere and the A2, ‘Said You Were‘ is one of the latter. Organic sounding drums with an extensive array of scuttling and pattering percussion serve up this tasty groove while the bass keeps a steady rhythm. Sampled diva-esque vocals provide a light-hearted touch and some simple fluctuating synth lines help to tie it all together. The focus here is definitely on the thickly layered and diverse drums which more than likely include the kitchen sink.
Pre-order the record here and if you happen to be in London in March check out the record release party.
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtngAdP7nr4[/embedyt]